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Opening Concert brings dynamic feast along with Jonas Gamzemüller ft. Matt Fullen Trio!


全球藝情開場音樂會 將由 Jonas Ganzemuller 和 Matt Fullen Trio 領銜出演。

成員們在紐約淬煉成為專業爵士音樂家、風格深受Louis Armstrong早期搖擺樂、以及Modern Jazz的強烈影響。作為在台灣深耕的國際團體、他們的音樂與意義是為揭幕2024大稻埕國際藝術節的最佳團體。

當晚的音樂將來自『偉大的美國歌曲集』(The Great American Songbook)、John Coltrane以及Matt Fullen的原創作品等。

Music Global Opening Concert  will be headlined by Taiwan's New York Connection with Jonas Ganzemuller and the Matt Fullen Trio.

Three members of the band have honed their skills as professional jazz musicians in New York, while all four are deeply rooted in the hard-swinging jazz styles from the early days of Louis Armstrong to the contemporary influences of modern jazz. This international group, now based in Taiwan, is the ideal choice to kick off TTTIFA 2024 both musically and symbolically.

The night's program will include music from the Great American Songbook, John Coltrane, original compositions by Matt Fullen, and more.

Jonas Ganzamüller

Jonas Ganzemüller is an innovative and award-winning jazz saxophonist from Germany. After residing and working in New York for several years as a professional jazz musician, Jonas has settled in Taiwan and continues to work on his own projects and with high-calibur international artists, bridging the US, Germany, and Taiwan

Jonas Ganzemüller 來自德國,創新且屢獲殊榮的爵士薩克斯風演奏家。



The Matt Fullen Trio

Led by American jazz pianist and composer Matt Fullen, featuring internationally-recognised jazz musicians bassist Weisheng Lin (Taiwan) and drummer Adam James Sorensen (USA). The trio is a cornerstone of the bridge between Taiwan and America in the area of Jazz music and is a torch-bearer of both the Great American Songbook and a vehicle for the award-winning compositions of Matt Fullen.

由美國爵士鋼琴家兼作曲家 Matt Fullen 領銜,國際知名爵士音樂家貝斯手林煒盛(台灣)和鼓手 Adam James Sorensen(美國)參與。 Matt Fullen 三重奏作為台灣與美國爵士音樂領域橋樑的基石,「偉大的美國歌曲集」的啟蒙者、並驅使Matt Fullen 持續創作。

